Swordsmen, Saints, and Scholars: Great Men & Women of the Middle Ages

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Well-Trained Mind Press
- 2018 Mary Pride First Place in the Literature Category
When you hear the words “The Middle Ages,” do you picture a knight in armor atop a fiery steed, a stone castle fortified with drawbridge and moat, or an immense cathedral towering above a medieval town? The Middle Ages were all of these and more: a widely diverse cavalcade that lasted for nine or ten centuries, from the fall of Rome to the birth of the Renaissance, and covered many nations.
Attila and the Princess (434-453)
Interlude: The Most Influential Person
of the Middle Ages (570-732)
The House of Wisdom (809-1258)
Hildegard of Bingen:
Love Songs to God (1098-1179)
Eleanor of Aquitaine:
Always a Duchess, Twice a Queen (1122-1204)
Maimonides: Brightest Light in the Golden Age (1135-1204)
Sir William Marshall: The Sword of Kings (1147-1219)
Cathedral (1144-1300)
Total run time: 78:22
Timeline: 400-1300
Location: Baghdad/Modern Iraq, Germany, Modern Turkey, Rome, Spain, and The Holy Land
Values: Assertiveness, Caring / Compassion, Confidence, Consideration, Cooperation and Teamwork, Courage, Creativity, Determination, Excellence, Faith, Generosity, Gentleness, Helpfulness, Honor, Humility, Idealism, Joyfulness, Love, Loyalty and Faithfulness, Orderliness, Patience and Perseverance, Peacefulness, Purposefulness, Responsibility, Self-Discipline, Service, Steadfastness, Thankfulness, Unity, and Work