Tell Me A Story! A Treasury of Classics

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Well-Trained Mind Press
- 2015 Mary Pride First Place Literature Genre
- 2018 Mary Pride First Place Award in the Literature Category
- Film Advisory Board Award
Younger children will be absolutely transported, and older children and adults will laugh just as hard at this frolicking collection of time-tested favorite stories.
- Rumplestiltskin
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- The Little Red Hen
- Things Could Always Be Worse
- The Hare and the Hedgehog
- The Bremen Town Musicians
- Tell Me A Story (song)
“Jim has one of those ways of storytelling that is just like watching a good movie… he can build tension, where you are on the edge of your seat, or he can leave you feeling warm fuzzies…all by his vivid expression in both tone and word.” —Education Clearing House
ISBN: 978-1-942968-91-7
Timeline: Timeless
Location: Renaissance Europe
Values: Cleanliness, Consideration, Cooperation and Teamwork, Creativity, Determination, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Friendship, Gentleness, Helpfulness, Honesty, Humility, Joyfulness, Justice, Love, Loyalty and Faithfulness, Moderation, Patience and Perseverance, Reliability, Respect, Self-Discipline, Steadfastness, Thankfulness, Trust, and Work