
Swordsmen, Saints, and Scholars: Great Men & Women of the Middle Ages

When you hear the words “The Middle Ages,” do you picture a knight in armor atop a fiery steed, a stone castle fortified with drawbridge and moat, or an immense cathedral towering above a medieval town? The Middle Ages were all of these and more: a widely diverse cavalcade that lasted for nine or ten centuries, from the fall of Rome to the birth of the Renaissance, and covered many nations.

I, Too, Sing America: Stories and Poems Honoring Black Lives & History

To help students explore African-American history and culture, we have assembled this downloadable audio collection of biographies and folk tales. Jim Weiss tells of Harriet Tubman’s bravery, Satchel Paige’s wisdom, Langston Hughes’s creativity, and more. Included is a downloadable PDF of Susan Wise Bauer’s Teaching Guide on Dunbar’s poem, “Sympathy”, designed to help your students better understand the poet’s work and its place in American history.